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OMNIcorp- Omega Manufacturing Network, Incorporated

  • Company: OMNIcorp
  • City: Jonquil
  • Specialty: Power, Manufacturing

OMNIcorp is the large corporation that runs the city of Jonquil. With their "security personnel" and large numbers, the corporation runs the city. Omnicorp is divided into various sections. While the company had been around for a long time, it only grew to its present state when the current President, Ismael De Verte, Sr., took over leadership.

Sections of OMNIcorp include:

  • Sections 1-3: Army
  • Section 4: Mechanical Development
  • Sections 5-8: General Administrative
  • Section 9: Medical
  • Section 10: Research and Devlopment
  • Section 11: Internal Department of Defense
  • Section 12: Public Relations Division

OMNIcorp controls the day to day affairs of most citizens of Jonquil. It is the largest employer of the Western continent and Jonquil, so massive that it has its own resturants, hospitals, security army, and more. It controls all the news organizations and other information sources. While most people don't seem to mind, there are some who are rebelling against this massive company. One such group is Ascending Heaven.

There are rumors of an Omega Section, that is secretly plotting ways to world domination. Of course, these rumors are spread by those who are against the progress made by OMNIcorp.

Here are the sections broken down in more detail.

Section 1-3: Army- responsible for day to day security of OMNIcorp interests.

Section 4: Mechanical Development- responsible for weapons and mechanical development as related to agression and defense.

Section 5-8: General Administrative- takes care of administration, human resources, management, and senior managment. The president and vice president are both part of section 8.

Section 9: Medical- with the large amount of people and the dangerous work of some of the sections, OMNIcorp has it's own medical staff, ranging from traditional doctors to new age medicines.

Section 10: Research and Development- the section that develops the science and products that OMNIcorp makes and sells- the best in consumer and business products come from here.

Section 11: Internal Department of Defense- oversees the inner security of OMNIcorp headquarters and important personnel. The main bodyguards for senior mangagement, including the president and vice president, come from this section. (typically)

Section 12: Public Relations Division- this small section is used for cleanup and removal of unwanted attention, groups, companies or people- or for encouraging the above to work with OMNIcorp- for their best intrests, of course. This section is the least seen and most feared of the 12.

S & E- Stein and Everrett, Incorporated

  • Company: Rival Company
  • City: Terrebonne
  • Specialty: Manufacturing

Started 40 years ago, S & E was founded by Mr. Stein and Mr. Everrett. The company expanded into one of the largest and won the merger mania wars of 20 years ago. A few years later, Mr. Stein died in a mysterious crash, leaving Everrett in control. The company has expended its control over Terrebonne since then. S & E is the main competitor of OMNIcorp.

Info on Elements


Elements are things that people have an affinity for. Every single person has an element, but the strength varies from person to person. The type of element varies, and some are inherently more rare than others. It is used almost like a horoscope at times, since people tend to behave in a likeness to their element. Depending on the times and culture, some elements are shunned or discouraged, and in the past were even prosecuted. In these enlightened times, that no longer happens- at least on the surface.

The element they have and the strength can create attacks or give a person an advantage at their job. For example, a person with the charm element would be naturally gifted at politics or other fields where interacting (or manipulating) people is key. The element is somewhat random, and rarely changes during a person's life. Families can have a general element, and towns, groups, or areas differ in what elements are more common or not.

Some examples of elements include-

Water- One of the most common elements. People with this tend to be calm and mellow.

Wind- Uncommon. People with this element tend to talk alot. They are quick witted and mercucial.

Earth- Common. People with this element are good planners and loyal friends, even if they aren't the life of the party.

Fire- Very Rare. Due to the events of the great war, most people with this element were wiped out. This element is very rare now. People with this element are passionate and warm.

Ice- More common in the northern regions. People with this element are thought to be cold, but actually are just better at hiding their emotions.

Mecha- Common. People with this element are great at fixing and creating machines. They are studious and creative with machines.

Gaia- More common in the southern continent. People with this element tend to be quiet but have an inner strength.

Music- Rare. People with this element are the greatest musicians in the world- but they can use their gift for good- or bad.

Charm- Rather common. Those people with this element are normally in marketing, politics or entertainment. They are a delight to be with.

Dance- Only common among the now wiped out Rroma.

Lightning- Rare. People with this element can be quiet, waiting to strike at the right moment- and can be very intense.

Tech- Uncommon. People with this element are good with computers and other technology. The tend to be intellegent, but introverted.

Holy- Very Rare. No longer thought to exist.

Dark- Very Rare. No longer thought to exist.

The City of Jonquil and Suburbs


  • Population: 1,350,400
  • Country: Western Continent

Jonquil is the largest city on the western continent. Everything and everyone that is anything resides here. This is where all the action and money are, and the main focus of the city is the company OMNIcorp. Jonquil started out as a smaller city, but the influx of people from the country arriving to make it big grew, and as time went on it swallowed the smaller towns around it. Now the old towns are recalled only in name as different sections of the city.

The city lies in a valley with high mountains on the north and west sides. In the foothills and on the tops of the hills the larger corporate headquarters and upper classes reside. The rest of the ton circles out from a radius there. Jonquil is a large, gated city, with many walls from old gates now swallowed up by growth.


Alvadore is in the southeast part of Jonquil. Located near the main south gate, it is primarily a merchant and middle class section. The largest shopping areas are here- and everything is for sale.

Four Corners

Four Corners is in the center of the city, where the 2 main streets cross. There are some merchants here. This is more an intersection of commerce. As you head to the east, the area grows worse, as you head to the west, it grows better.


Glenwood is one of the worst areas in the city, second only to Green Meadows. This is where the dive bars, run down strip clubs, and underground aspects are located. This once was a nice area, as seen by the crumbling buildings, and a few of the older generation can still recall those times.. but most fled while the area decayed.

Green Meadows

Green Meadows is the second worst place in the city. This is where the racetracks and gambling is at- and every thing you could ever want is here- for a price...


Irving is on the west side of the south gate. There are merchants here, but are more specialized and bit nicer. Middle class and a few upper middle class make their home here.


This is the nicest area of the city. All the upper class and wealthy try to get the scarce land here on the hills for their showcase homes. The central office of OMNIcorp looms overhead on the highest hill, watching over the city from its high vantage point.


Thurston is home to the younger set who are moving up quickly in the ranks. It is also home to those who couldn't find land in Paramount, or just not quite wealthy enough. This is the second best area in the city.

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